Leah Quinn and Angie Petit Quinn and Petit

Leah Quinn and Angie Petit Quinn and Petit's Fundraiser

We can support inclusivity and the differently abled! image

We can support inclusivity and the differently abled!

Your donation to SOAR Fox Cities can provide education, support, and opportunities in our community!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$202 towards $1,000

For over 65 years, SOAR Fox Cities has been providing people with disabilities and their families with a sense of belonging. With 10 programs that serve 1,200 people with differing abilities, SOAR strives for inclusivity and a community where all members are valued, celebrated, and have opportunities to SOAR!

This year SOAR staff have been paired up to tackle the annual SOAR Peer to Peer challenge--meaning Angie and Leah will be trying to "out-fundraise" the rest of the SOAR staff partner teams TOGETHER!

Please consider a donation to our team fundraising page. Yes, it is part of a friendly fundraising competition among SOAR staff, but we are doing it because we see firsthand the impact that SOAR makes in the lives of the people with disabilities we serve. We want to help raise funds that will continue empowering SOAR participants.

Your donation to our team fundraising page will help us compete against our coworkers in the fundraising challenge but, more importantly, it will help ensure that participants and individuals with varying abilities are connected and empowered.


  • GivingTuesday Gingerbread House Contest: Each partner team will work together to make a gingerbread house for GivingTuesday. All gingerbread houses will be on display as part of a GivingTuesday Open House at SOAR (211 E. Franklin Street, Appleton) on Tuesday, November 29th from 10am-6pm. They will also be shared on SOAR's Facebook page that day. People will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite gingerbread house by making a donation in-person or online. The gingerbread house with the most votes (donations) on Giving Tuesday will win the contest!
  • Overall Fundraising (November 29th – December 13th): The partner team that raises the most money during the 2-week challenge will win!

We sincerely appreciate your support!

Leah's story:

Hello Fam, Friends, and Fellow Dear Members of the Community who I look up to and strive to be more like each day:

As you know, I work for a non-profit in Appleton, WI called SOAR Fox Cities, Inc.

SOAR is a local non-profit that has worked hard for over 60 years with a goal of advocating and empowering individuals with disabilities including individuals on the autism spectrum, individuals with Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and many other.

Something to keep in mind while reading: In Wisconsin, there are over 90,000 adults with an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD). Compared to individuals without disabilities, these individuals usually deal with significant health discrepancies as well that can greatly impact lives.

SOAR holds programs for individuals in the community such as art classes, cooking courses, household choirs, grief class, traumatic brain injury survivor chats, discussion for parents who have a son or daughter with a disability, just to name a few. Aside from educational classes SOAR also provides fun facility and community based field trips such as dinner and movie nights, dinner and bingo, Christmas and holiday shows, virtual game nights, Special Olympics, and many more activities.

At SOAR, I hold the role of Member and Office Support Specialist. I work in registration, first line of defense (answer phones, sign participants up for classes, meet with new SOAR members and their guardians or funding consultants), organize the monthly newsletter, educate interested individuals about SOAR, keep members information up to date, lead monthly craft class, etc.

Most, or all of SOAR’s funding relies on the support and donations of the community.

My goal is to raise $500.00 in less than 1 month for this!!

SO what does this mean? If we break it down, all I need is for 50 people to donate $10.00 each through my website link for me to reach this goal. OR 25 people to donate $20 each.

If you do not wish to donate online, you can pay cash or check via snail-mail or meet me in person. This money goes right from my hands immediately into the hands of our fundraising department (Lindsay and Ashley) to be put right back into serving the needs of the community through SOAR.

So what do you think?

If you’re still not sold, keep reading.

Here’s a little bit about my personal schooling and educational background as well as my goals and missions in life if you still need a bit more convincing or are seeking further information about why I feel strongly about donating and why I feel strongly about SOAR:

My career goals in life include to integrate diversity, adaptation, and inclusion within the community.

Act locally, and think globally, right?

With my bachelors degree in art therapy with a psychology minor, I have completed about 300 hours of an art therapy internship and practicum with individuals with varying abilities and disabilities ages 0 through 18. During this time I also worked as a line therapist at Integrated Developmental Services of Madison, WI practicing ABC therapy (antecedent, behavior, consequence) with individuals on the Autism Spectrum as well as individuals with ODD and other comorbid prognosis. As I have brought my education from college back to the Fox Cities to fulfill my career goals mentioned earlier in regards to empowerment and advocacy to those in need through adaptation with or without art, I NEED YOUR HELP. I need your help to continue this personal goal of mine as well as the interpersonal goal of SOAR Fox Cities, Inc. to be able to use my education (which I am extremely grateful for) and implement it into the real world through SOAR.

It takes each and every one of us to build a community of strength, comprehension, and permitence, perhaps a little at a time, and right now I am asking you to help me do this!

With all of that said, please consider a donation of $20.00 to SOAR Fox Cities, Inc. Through this fundraising link today.

Thank you for your valuable time, energy, and heartwarming generosity.

All the love, gratitude, and warmth to you,


Angie's story:

Hello SOAR Friends! My name is Angie and I have recently been hired as the Volunteer Coordinator for SOAR Fox Cities! Before my role as volunteer coordinator, you may have seen me around the SOAR offices because I completed an internship here last Spring where I was involved with program activities, fundraising, and community outreach. Prior to working at SOAR, I was an Educational Interpreter for the Deaf for over 15 years. I love to work with the Deaf community and wanted to diversify and expand the population of the differently abled that I can support. I decided to go back to college as a non-traditional student and earn a second degree. I now attend UW-Oshkosh in the Human Services Leadership program focusing on non-profits and the differently abled and will graduate May 2023. I am so excited to be here at SOAR. I have met so many new friends and look forward to meeting more. My life motto is “this world is made for everyone to enjoy” and centers around my passion for inclusive environments.